Cross wire welding:
Cross wire welding is a variant of projection welding, products for different applications are welded. Some we deal with every day, like the shopping trolley. But also shopping shelves, baskets, fences, cages, reinforcing steel mesh etc. are produced with the resistance welding process. In cross-wire welding, the current type has a very strong effect on the welding result. With alternating current (AC), there is a tendency for weld spatter due to the high peak current in relation to the effective value. The advantage here is the individual control of the thyristor, which also allows smaller longitudinal wire spacing with the narrow design.
With direct current, spatter-free welding is more likely to be seen. By using a common plus and minus electrode, a more flexible longitudinal wire spacing is possible. With direct current, it is advantageous to work with lower electrode forces in order not to fall below the minimum strength. Furthermore, shorter welding times are possible thanks to the direct current.
The welding depth is comparable to the spot diameter of spot welding. The quality requirements of welding are not usually controlled; they are individual or customer-specific.
Quality requirements:
- General dimensional accuracy
- Welding depth
- Delay
- Bond strengths
- Surface appearance
- Degree training
Which criterion comes into play depends directly on the intended use of the mesh.