DVS Working Group 3.3

WG V 3.3 deals with resistance welding of small parts and applications in microjoining technology. The main areas of responsibility […]

DVS Working Group 3.3

WG V 3.3 deals with resistance welding of small parts and applications in microjoining technology. The main areas of responsibility are:

  • Industrial applications
  • Welding suitability of materials
  • Innovative device technologies
  • Online quality assurance in manufacturing
  • Design and testing of joint connections.

There is a regular exchange of experience on the latest technological standards in industrial practice, as well as discussion and support of ongoing and planned research work. DVS leaflets such as “Testing of resistance-welded joints in electronics and precision engineering” and “Resistance welding of insulated wires” have been or are being prepared, and standardisation projects are being supported.

New staff members are always welcome in WG V 3.3

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