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Performance determination for resistance welding equipment

For the new construction or the design of welding machines, the given task usually results in new machine geometries depending […]

Performance determination for resistance welding equipment

For the new construction or the design of welding machines, the given task usually results in new machine geometries depending on the component dimensions to be welded. As a result, the required welding transformer power must usually also be re-determined. Welding current, welding time and electrode force can be determined for an initial estimate from the DVS leaflets, existing expert knowledge or through technical welding advice from mechanical engineers or resistance welding partners.

In the DVS leaflets, for example, you will find simple rules of thumb for a wide variety of materials in order to be able to set an initial range of values or to dimension the necessary power data for the transformer and power stage (inverter power source). This must always be coordinated with the quality criteria to be defined by the customer. This applies, in particular, to the spot diameter and other requirements for the welded joint.

Due to the necessary welding current and the available transformer with its output voltage, the required power of the welding system can be calculated from the product of current and voltage. For rough calculations, Harms & Wende Partner is at your disposal or the DVS leaflets mentioned above can be used.

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