Research Association on Welding and Allied Processes (Forschungsvereinigung Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.) of DVS
As the organisation for research in the fields of joining, cutting and coating, the Research Association on Welding and Allied Processes (Forschungsvereinigung Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.) of DVS ensures the innovative strength and competitiveness of companies. It is a partner in the design of measures for research and innovation in business and government.
The technical committees of the research association comprehensively represent the entire spectrum of joint joining technology research and are responsible for planning, monitoring, controlling and evaluating research projects. Furthermore, they have a decisive influence on the process of transferring the results to the companies.
An essential element of the activities of the technical committees is the technical-scientific exchange of opinions between the representatives of the industry, the corporate bodies and the research institutes. The identification of a research need and the resulting definition of a project is the first decisive step in developing and providing the required user knowledge. The research association identifies and structures research needs and derives research priorities from them, promotes the specialisation of its member institutes and forms focal points of research capacities and forms interdisciplinary research networks
The research association ensures the quality of research through project-oriented quality management with professional and organisational support in all phases of research.
The research association with its companies and research institutes cooperates in an interdisciplinary manner with national and international partners.
Within the technical committees for the various procedures, the projects are accompanied in cooperation with the DVS working groups.