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RECLAIM successfully completed

RECLAIM research project came to an end after 4 years.
On September 30, 2023, the time had come: the last day of our RECLAIM project had arrived. After 4 years of working on increasing efficiency and extending the service life of machines and systems, we have now more than successfully completed the project. A lot has happened since the meeting in Hamburg, which I reported on in Schweißzeit 4/2022. In the last year of the project, we mainly focused on the integration and validation of the developed technologies. At our partner Podium, a Swiss manufacturer of high-quality kitchens, for example, we mapped the entire production line in a digital model. This enabled us to identify weak points and thus significantly reduce the efficiency of the system and the number of stops. The consortium achieved something similar at Zorluteks. Their system for manufacturing textiles now runs far more efficiently and robustly. A lot has also happened with our friction welding machines. Our RSM410 friction welding machine has been equipped with various technologies to make it fit for the future. The result is the ROTUS system, which we are already using with a customer and which will soon be included in our product catalog.
At the end of the project, we met twice more in Brussels. At the meeting on September 26/27, the project and its results were presented to the public. We had docked our meeting to the “Manufacturing Partnership Day” and thus gave more than 400 participants the chance to marvel at RECLAIM technology. The demonstration was also made available as a livestream. At the second meeting, we then had to present our results once again to the representatives of the EU Commission. Once again, we were pleased to receive very good feedback.
As always, you can find some impressions of the meetings in Brussels and more about RECLAIM on Twitter @Reclaim_FoF or the project page on LinkedIn.