Top 100

For the first time, we have been awarded the TOP 100 seal 2023. The fact that we were able to convince with a variety of innovation qualities makes us especially proud as a team.


We are TOP Innovator 2023!

Only particularly innovative medium-sized companies are honored with this award. More than 100 criteria from five categories were examined: Innovation-promoting top management, innovation climate, innovative processes and organization, external orientation/open innovation, and innovation success.

The official award ceremony took place on June 23rd. Science journalist and mentor of the innovation competition Ranga Yogeshwar will personally congratulate us.

Behind the competition is compamedia, the organizer of the comparison. The basis is a scientific selection procedure applied by innovation researcher Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.

Of particular importance is whether a company’s innovations are merely a product of chance or are systematically planned and thus repeatable in the future.

In the anniversary year of TOP 100 – the current round is already the 30th edition of the innovation competition – interest was particularly high: 550 SMEs applied, 300 of them, including us, were successful and now bear the TOP 100 seal. A maximum of 100 companies per size category can be honored.


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