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Harms & Wende Welding time issue 4/2023

The new welding time is available online again. You will find interesting ones again Articles on new products and follow-up reports on the SCHWEISSEN+SCHNEIDEN trade fairs in Essen and productronica in Munich. Take a look and browse the new issue 4/2023.
We wish all readers a merry, healthy and peaceful Christmas. Happy end of the year and a happy new year 2024.
After so much unrest and unforeseen things in 2023, we hope for a peaceful and successful year 2024. At the end of the year, our thoughts go to those who are really unwell, those who are hungry , disease, war and terror are affected. The unspeakable war in Ukraine is still not over, fighting is raging in the Gaza Strip and countless people suffer from hunger and disease every day.
This year we want to make our small contribution with a donation to the German Alzheimer Society e.V. The German Alzheimer Society is committed to a better life with dementia. They support and advise people with dementia and their families.